Thursday, October 10, 2013

Science project: Ecosytems

In our class, our science project is on ecosystems. We have created a fair test with terraria and aquariums.

In our terraria we have many things. Including alfalfa, rye grass and mustard sprouts. We also have isopods and crickets in our terraria. We started on September 9th this year.  Our focus question is, ”which seed can grow the most sprouts in two weeks”.  We found out that the rye grass has the most sprouts. The plants are growing so fast! It is incredible.

In our aquariums there are White Cloud Mountain Minnows. They look transparent. They have a red little heart by their eyes. We also have elodea. It’s green and can be up to 2 ft. long. Duckweed is also green and is oval like. They connect together and have roots. They duplicate fast and make a green carpet on the surface of the water.

Pond Snails are also in our aquariums. They eat all the dead tissue of plants and animals. You can say they are like a cleanup crew. They are a consumer [scavenger]. Pond Snails can eat all the food so that can be a problem.

That’s our science projects!

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